Tips for Safe Winter Driving from our European Auto Repair Shop in Cumming, GA

shivering temperatures or frozen precipitation in Cumming and the surrounding area. Whether you're sticking around town this winter or planning on taking a journey somewhere where the roads may prove a bit slicker, we want you to stay safe while driving. The friendly team of local mechanics at G2 Automotive offer these great tips for safe winter driving in Cumming and beyond.

Drive Slow

Colder temperatures can result in icy roads, even if there isn't snow on the ground. Decrease your driving speeds to maintain improved handling in suboptimal conditions.

Increase Following Distances

Be sure to allow for more room between you and the vehicle in front of you. This ensures you have enough space to come to a stop or avoid an object in front of you.

Winter Braking Tips

Winter is a great time of the year to have your brakes inspected by our nearby car shop. We'll ensure the system is operating properly, allowing for maximum stopping power at all times.

Check Your Lights

The shorter days can decrease visibility for you and those who you share the road with. Make sure all of your vehicle's headlights, tail lights, reverse lights, brakes lights and other driving lights are in proper operating order to be able to properly be seen and to see the road ahead.

Keep Moving (if it is safe to do so)

It is easier to keep moving than to get moving from a standstill, especially in icy or snowy conditions. If possible, don't come to a full stop while out on the road, unless legally required to do so.

Keep an Emergency Kit

Be sure to stock your vehicle with warm clothes, blankets, water and snacks, just in case anything bad does happen. A breakdown could result in you needing to wait for a tow truck in your car, or an accident may strand you for some time. It's best to be prepared for the worse.

At G2 Automotive we want our community to stay safe on the road. If you need assistance with any winter auto maintenance in Cumming for your BMW, Mercedes, Audi or other European auto, come see us. The team at our Cumming auto repair shop would be more than happy to help with your vehicle's needs, no matter what they are. Give us a call at (678) 771-6434 to learn more or to schedule an appointment today.

Ginger Nugent